Red Dead Redemption 2 not Launching or Starting full screen

If Red Dead Redemption 2 not Launching or Starting full screen on your Windows 11/10 PC here are some suggestions that are sure to help you. Let us discuss the above fixes to resolve the problem.

1] Update your Windows and graphics drivers

The first thing you should do to fix the issue is to make sure that you have updated your Windows. New updates address and fix the stability issues with games and applications and enhance the system performance. Hence, update your Windows by going to Settings > Windows Update and pressing the Check for updates button. Then, download and install all the pending updates. In addition to updating Windows, you also need to make sure that you have up-to-date graphics drivers. Outdated or faulty graphics drivers cause various gaming issues on PC including a problem with launching the game. So, if you want to avoid game launch and other performance issues, update your GPU drivers to their latest version. You can update graphics drivers on Windows 11/10 using the following methods: After updating Windows and graphics drivers, try launching the Red Dead Redemption 2 game and see if the problem is fixed or not. In case you are still able to launch the game, try the next potential fix to resolve the issue.

2] Update your Rockstar Games Launcher

The problem might be caused because of outdated Rockstar Games Launcher. So, if the scenario is applicable, you should be able to fix the issue. For that, first, exit the launcher. And then, restart it and let it download available updates. After that, relaunch Rockstar Games Launcher and see if you are able to start the Red Dead Redemption 2 game.

3] Run Red Dead Redemption 2 as an administrator

In many instances, you might be unable to launch the game if it lacks due administrator privilege to run. Hence, if the scenario is applicable, simply run the game with admin rights and see if it works properly or not. Here are the steps to do so: Now, try launching the game and see if it starts or not. If not, there might be some other underlying cause of the issue at hand. So, move on to the next potential fix to resolve it.

4] Whitelist the game through your antivirus/ firewall

The game might be blocked due to your overprotective antivirus suite blocking it because of some false positive alarm. To make sure that’s the cause, you can try disabling your antivirus for some time and then launch the game. If it launches properly, you can be sure that your antivirus was the main culprit. In that case, you can add the concerned game to the exclusion/ exception list of your antivirus. You can check the same with your firewall. If it is at the fault, try whitelisting the game through your firewall to fix the issue. If this doesn’t work, you can try the next method to fix the issue.

5] Verify the integrity of the game

If you are still unable to launch the game, there are chances that the issue is caused due to corrupted game files of Red Dead Redemption 2. So, to fix the corrupted or missing game files and the issue at hand, you can try verifying the integrity of your game files. Here is how to do that: Steam users can follow the below steps to verify and repair game files of Red Dead Redemption 2:

6] Clear the Settings folder

If the game’s Settings folder is corrupted or has broken files, you are likely to experience a launch issue with the game. So, if the scenario is applicable, you can try deleting the Settings folder to fix the issue. However, it is recommended to create a backup of the folder at some other location (e.g., Desktop) to be on the safer side. Here is how you can clear the Settings folder:

7] Delete your launcher profile details

In a few instances, corrupted profile details also cause launch problems with your game. So, if your game launcher’s profile details are corrupted, you can try deleting the details to fix the issue. Here is how to do that:

8] Run an SFC scan

If none of the above solutions worked for you, the issue might lie with your system itself. It is likely that there are corrupted system files on your PC that are preventing the game from launching. Hence, if the scenario is applicable, you should be able to fix the issue by performing an SFC scan. System File Checker or SFC is an in-built tool in Windows that enables you to fix corrupted system files. Here is how to run an SFC scan: Firstly, start an elevated command prompt window. Next, enter the following command and wait for it to complete: After that, reboot your PC and try relaunching your game to see if the problem is fixed or not. Hopefully, this helps! Read: Fix Rockstar Games Launcher Error Code 7002.1 with GTA 5 and RDR 2.

Why is my Rockstar Games launcher not working?

If your Rockstar Games launcher is not working, it might be caused due to lack of administrator privilege or a compatibility issue. Other reasons for the same can be outdated graphics driver, corrupted DNS cache, software conflicts, or corrupted installation of your game launcher.

How do I fix Red Dead Redemption 2 not responding?

If Red Dead Redemption 2 is not responding or keeps crashing, you can try verifying the game files. Apart from that, make sure to update your graphics drivers, disable antivirus, or close unnecessary background applications. Now read: Fix Unable to launch game, please verify your game data error on Rockstar Games Launcher.

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