There are plenty of video chat apps for live chatting like Skype, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Houseparty, JioMeet, Viber, Google Meet, and so on. With so many options rightly available, people simply turn on their favorite group video platform to have a face to face contact with closed ones.

Video Chat with 50 people using Facebook Messenger

With Video chat becoming an essential software for live chatting, Facebook too geared up for the release of the new video chat software. Facebook has expanded its existing Facebook Messenger’s video calling service to a video chat service called Messenger Rooms. The Messenger Rooms allows inviting up to 50 people to join the video call. This app serves as the best alternative to the Zoom which recently posed security issues. Messenger Room allows you to invite up to 50 people to join the video call. Facebook has named its group video call as “room” and you can start the room from Messenger and Facebook. You can either choose to keep the call open to all or stop uninvited people from joining the video call.  In this article, we explain how to create a Messenger Room using Facebook on your Windows desktop.

Create a Messenger Room in Windows PC using Facebook


Click on the plus sign under the Rooms section at the top of the News Feed to create Room.

While creating Room, you are given few options to set a status for a room, schedule time, invite people, and restrict the people. Click on Room activity to designate the status or description for the Room. You can designate your own status by clicking the New button or select one from the options available like Hang Out, Join Me, Bored at Home, or Coffee chat.

Click on the option “Who is invited?” to let your friends join the room. Under “Who is invited?” header you will be given two options either to select all your friends on Facebook or Invite specific friends to join the room. Choose the appropriate option and click on the Invite Friends button. Click on the option “ Create Your Room”  to schedule time to open the room. Set the start date and start time to create a schedule. Once done click Save button. Once all the settings are done, click Create Room at the bottom of the window. A pop-up window is displayed with the option to Invite, Share. Edit and End Room. It also gives you an option to copy the link in order to invite anyone to join the room. Copy and share the link to others to let them join your room.

Click the Join button to start and enter your room.In the new window, click the “Join as” button to enter the room. Your friends will be able to join the room only once you enter.

Once you join the room you will have options to share your screen, see call participants, change the video settings to either off or on, adjust the microphone settings to either off or on, and end up the call. Choose the appropriate options at the bottom of the screen.

To prevent people from joining the call, go to the “See call participants” icon at the bottom of the screen.A new window pops up. Toggle the Lock Room field to On in order to prevent others from joining your video call.To invite additional friends to join the room copy the link provided at the bottom of the window and send it to your friends.To exit the Room click the End Room icon at the bottom of the screen.

You can also create a room using mobile  Facebook and Messenger app.