Snip & Sketch app in Windows 10

The app is available under App list or you can search for Snip & Sketch in the Cortana Search box. Click on the Snip and Sketch app once it appears. Once it appears, you will be welcomed with the message – ‘Capture, mark up,  and share any image’.

Take a screenshot using Snip & Sketch

Click on the New button on the top left. This will minimize the interface, and offer you a floating toolset where you can choose to use a rectangular clip or freeform clip or fullscreen clip.

Select any of them, and if you are using anything except fullscreen clip, you can select an area of which you want to take a screenshot. Hold the left key while doing it. Once complete, release the left key. The marked area will now appear in the canvas of the Snip and Sketch App. The images can be saved in the .png format. TIP: Take a look at some of the new features in the Snip and Sketch app of Windows 10.

Edit a screenshot using Snip & Sketch

Once you have the screenshot, you have a set of Markup tools you can use. Do note that as soon as the editor opens, you get a PEN to write with. However, if you move your mouse with the left button pressed, it will start drawing.

1] On middle-top you have tools including Touch Writing, Ballpoint pen, Pencil, Highlighter, Ruler/Protractor, and Crop tool. 2] Click on the lower part of any of these tools, except for Touch Writing, and Crop Tool, and you get extra options. Here you can change the color, and size of the pen. When you click on the Ruler tool, you can switch to Protector.

3] On the top left, you have the option to save, copy and share the screenshot. 4] You can also edit any other images by click on the folder icon which is next to the new button on the top left. Once you enable the ruler or protractor tool, it doesn’t seem to go away unless you close, and start the app again.

Launch Snip & Sketch app with Print Screen key

A tool like a Snip and Sketch without a screenshot is useless if one cannot launch using a hardware key. While Print Screen captures a screenshot in the clipboard or saves it to OneDrive or Dropbox when configured, it will make sense if you can launch this app instead. Go to Settings > Ease of Access > Keyboard. Turn on the toggle under Print Screen shortcut which says ‘Use the PrtScn‘ to open screen snipping.

However, you will have to disable the configuration of Print Screen with any other apps and restart your Windows 10 PC to make it work.

Launch Snip & Sketch via CMD or Run

Type the following command and hit Enter to open Snip & Sketch:

Create a shortcut for Snip & Sketch

For creating the desktop shortcut, right-click in an empty space of your Desktop screen and choose ‘New’ option from the menu. Next, select ‘Shortcut’ to open the ‘Create Shortcut wizard’. When seen, copy and paste the following address into its location field After that, hit the Next button and enter a suitable name for the shortcut. When done, press the Finish button to create the shortcut on the Desktop screen. If you would like to add an icon to the shortcut, right-click on the shortcut on the Desktop, and choose Properties. Next, under the Properties screen, select Change Icon button, and then under “Look for icons in this file”, copy and paste the following address, and press Enter. Select the icon corresponding to it as shown in the image above. Click the ‘OK’ button when done and in the end, hit the ‘Apply’ button to change the icon.

Keyboard shortcuts to use in Snip & Sketch

Let us know how you enjoy using this new screenshot tool.