What is Hate Speech

Hate speech in the online world is very similar to the real world except for the fact that the identities of the abuser might not be revealed. Hate speech attacks a group or an individual based on attributes like religion, sex, race, disability, and sexual orientation. A website that uses hate speech is commonly referred to as a hate site. If you find abuses hurled at you or a video trying to target a community, in general, it’s time you report the same. Extremist groups & Terror organizations have been leveraging this very hate speech to lure the people into their organizations. While most online services, including Twitter and Facebook, are fighting in unison to end this menace, it is far from over.

Report Hate Speech to Microsoft

Microsoft seems to have taken it upon itself to make the world wide web a better place and, as a result, has launched a new dedicated web form for the complaints. Tha is what folks at Microsoft had to say about the new initiative. Microsoft already has a solid guideline for taking down hate speech. In all likelihood, the company is just fine-tuning the entire process and making it more efficient. Further, Microsoft says it will retain the “notice and takedown” approach for removing prohibited content found on hosted consumer services. However, all content that you may find offensive or consider hate speech will be reviewed thoroughly before it is finally removed from the website. You need to fill in this web form with all the details asked for and try to be as contextual as possible. Once the request is sent, it will be queued for review, and the findings will be communicated via e-mail. So it’s time for us as netizens to sweep the Internet clean of hate speeches and inflammatory content.