How to find out which version of Xbox you have?

The following are the two ways to find out which version of Xbox you have. Let us talk about both of them in detail.

1] Check the Xbox version via Settings

If you are able to turn on your console then finding the model number and the capacity of your Xbox is quite easy. All you have to do is follow the prescribed steps and you will be good to go. It’s easy, isn’t it?

2] Check the Xbox version via Console

If you are not able to turn on your Xbox or you just don’t want to do that, there is another method to know the Xbox version. First up, check the serial number at the back of your console and note it somewhere. Now, go to and register your device. Then, you need to click on See details to find out details about your Xbox. That is how you can check your Xbox version. Read: Fix Xbox App Notifications not working on Windows PC 

Which Xbox is the newest version?

Xbox Series X and S, launched in 2020, are the latest version of Xbox. They are both very different consoles released on the same day. The Series S focuses more on aesthetics and comes with a much sleeker build. On the other hand, the Xbox Series X is a powerhouse. It supports 4k output at 60 FPS, and some games even support 120 FPS but with a lower resolution. It also has a 2 teraflops processor and 1TB SSD making it one of the best gaming consoles in the market.

What are the different versions of Xbox?

There are four generations of Xbox consoles released by Microsoft. As the technology progresses the consoles started becoming more and more powerful to support more graphically intensive games. Also Read: How to update firmware on Xbox gamepad.

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