You might be wondering what the heck am I talking about, and that’s fine. Let me explain; it’s called ‘Fingerprinting‘. Your computer has its own fingerprint, and if you want to, it’s possible to get the fingerprint right away via a particular website. It is also called Browser Fingerprinting or Device Fingerprinting. It’s easy and only takes a short while before everything is done, so just wait a while.
Cross-browser fingerprinting
To begin, you need to visit the Unique Machine website and scroll down to the option that says Get My Fingerprint. Once the process begins, the website will proceed to collect information from your web browser, fonts, computer’s GPU, and other things not explained. Interestingly enough, the developers are not shying away from providing the source code to whomever that might need it. The source code is available via the company’s GitHub page right now, so take a visit and swipe it for yourself. The company wrote a research paper on cross-browser fingerprinting where it explains that a user can perform a test on the same computer with a different web browser and still come away with a unique print. What’s rather interesting is the conclusion that Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer, while having different fingerprints, are quite similar. This shouldn’t come as much of a surprise seeing as Edge and Internet Explorer are both Microsoft made. Not only that, but both web browsers share similar code. Several instances in Edge are not so different from Internet Explorer, which should be proof enough. Overall, we like what is being done here because it proves that attackers can gain information from a browser and possibly tell who it belongs to. If you would like to take the test, go here.
How do I check my browser fingerprint?
To check your browser fingerprint, you can find an online tool called UniqueMachine. It is a web tool that helps you check for the browser fingerprint irrespective of the browser. For your information, you do not need to install third-party software or pay any money to find the fingerprint of any browser.
Can your unique browser fingerprint be used to track you?
Yes, it is possible to track you using your browser fingerprint. It is more like your own fingerprint, used in various government IDs. Every computer has a unique browser fingerprint that can be used to track or recognize any user from being anywhere in the world. Seeing as it uses JavaScript to get the job done, we recommend users to install NoScript or a similar browser add-on to block any illegal fingerprinting of your web browser and computer. Want to take a look at What is Website Traffic Fingerprinting?