A big organization with an IT team can handle these scenarios easily with the help of experts. But this malware cause problem for small business owners and even for personal computers. In this post, we’ve talked about Eternal Blues, a tool that lets you find vulnerabilities in your network that can become potential entry points of such Ransomware. WannaCrypt and Petya are crypto-malware that, if injected, can encrypt your computer’s data and then demand a ransom to decrypt it. Petya directly affects the Master Boot Record of your computer. These types of Ransomware usually demand money in Bitcoins, and there is a time limit. If you do not pay the money within that time limit, your files are at potential risk of deletion.

Eternal Blues Ransomware Scanner

Eternal Blues is a free utility that lets you scan your network for vulnerabilities open to any EternalBlue-based attacks. This tool is a great preventive measure against Ransomware. You need to download and simply run a scan on your network. The tool will iterate through all the IPs in the IP range and look for any vulnerable computers. You can define a custom IP range or go on with the automatically detected one. Remember that Eternal Blues will only check the vulnerability. It will not fix it. The scan does not take much time, and the results are displayed on a small table. In this table, you can find vulnerable computers and their corresponding IP address. This free software can be very helpful in preventing these attacks in the first place. If you are running a small business without an IT team or experts, you must go for this tool to find vulnerable computers in your network. Also, the tool sends anonymous data from your computer for statistical purposes. Ok, so now you’ve found a vulnerable computer, what do next? Read on to find out how to fix any vulnerabilities in your network. The first step is identifying the vulnerabilities. Using the Eternal Blues scanner, find the computer which is vulnerable. Now ‘Update’ Windows will the latest available updates and disable SMB1. Windows updates are included with all the necessary security patches. If the computer is running older versions like Windows 8/7/Vista/XP, make sure you upgrade them to Windows 10 if it is possible. Moreover, you might like to set up protection on the Master Boot Record of your computer. Eternal Blues is a great simple tool. It was explicitly designed for non-techie people and small companies. All you need to do is click one ‘Scan’ button, and all the vulnerable computers will be listed right away. Super easy to use and understand. Visit omerez.com to download Eternal Blues.

How do I scan my computer for Ransomware?

You can use any antivirus to scan your computer for Ransomware. If it’s known as Ransomware, then the security software will be able to fix it. However, it won’t be easy in the case of unknown Ransomware. The best approach is to follow security practices to keep Ransomware away from your PC.

What happens if you don’t pay Ransomware?

Unluckily, if your PC gets infected with Ransomware and you cannot pay for it, you will lose your files. The only chance is for security to come up with a decryption key. Then you can use it to get back the files.

Eternal Blues ransomware scanner for WannaCry   NotPetya - 14Eternal Blues ransomware scanner for WannaCry   NotPetya - 78