You might be wondering, then, what is your carbon footprint? Well, it’s the total of the greenhouse gas you release into the environment, and its mainly packed with carbon dioxide. Now, bear in mind it has nothing to with what you breathe out, but rather the actions you take on daily. For example, when you eat meat and drink milk, along with whenever you drive a car that is not electric. After you’ve calculated your footprint, you will be able to tell how much your actions are affecting the environment, and from there, take the necessary steps to reduce the effects.

Best Carbon Footprint Calculator

Today, we take a look at the following Carbon Footprint Calculator tools that will help you calculate your Carbon Footprint:

1] Map my Emissions

With this online tool that is only available through a web browser, users can check their daily travel emissions with ease. Just select where you travel from and to on a daily basis, then choose your means of transportation. From there, the tool will calculate and deliver the information in just mere seconds. You’ll find that taking public transportation is cheaper and more friendly to the environment. However, one can be on the right side if you are driving an electric or hybrid vehicle.

2] Plastic Footprint Calculator

Plastic bags and just anything that is made from the material are a huge problem for the environment. So far, many countries have gone ahead and ban the use of plastic bags, but a wide ban on plastic overall is not yet implemented. If you’re interested in knowing how much plastic you use on a yearly basis, then we would recommend using Plastic Footprint Calculator. Folks will be required to answer a series of questions relating to food, laundry, bathroom, among other things. Once you’re done answering the questions, the calculator will provide the data needed on how many kilograms of plastic you consume during a year. The good news is, the calculator suggests ways to reduce your plastic usage and were quite pleased by that.

3] Food Emissions Calculator

The food you’re eating is quite delicious, correct? But did you know before it made its way to your refrigerator and plate, it has affected the environment is some shape or form? With the Food Emissions Calculator, the user will be able to tell the carbon footprint of the tasty meal they consume, whether it be meat or vegetables. In order to get things up and running, you must first visit the website, then select your food of choice from the list. From there, you will want to choose the food commodity to find out how the selected food was sourced. Furthermore, you may have to add the quantity bought, the number of miles the food was transported from, and how much was wasted. After making the right selections, the Food Emissions Calculator will then provide your carbon footprint results.

4] UN Carbon Footprint Calculator

Did you know the United Nations (UN) has its own carbon footprint calculator? If you didn’t, now you know. This is one of the best because most calculators are based on the American standard, and that might not give accurate results if you live in Asia. When you use the UN Carbon Footprint Calculator, the tool will adjust the accuracy based on the country you’re living in. OK, so to use this tool, the user must add data relating to household, transport, and lifestyle. Once done, click on Calculate My Footprint to see the results. I hope you make good use of these tools.