Automate copying & moving of files & folders

atmfiler for Windows PC

The first thing users will nothing about atmfiler is how the graphical user interface is simple and easy on the eyes. The developers did not overdo it with lovely colors or just too much graphics overall. One of the things we liked about atmfiler is the ability to move files based on their extension. This means users can choose to only move .mp3 or .mp4 file types from one folder to another with relative ease. Additionally, the software does not move a file or folder until it is fully done. What does this mean? Well, if you should be copying files or folders and an error occurs, you will find out that not even a small portion of the file or folder was sent to the destination. We like the idea that allows us to attach a prefix on moved files. This is mainly for advanced users; no novices need not worry about giving this a test run. When it comes down to folders, users can generate sub-folders with a unique date format, you can even create multiple source and destination directories, along with installing multiple services on a single machine. Copying between different folders for backup purposes among other things can also be done with atmfiler. We haven’t used this feature much, but we can say for sure that it works like a charm. Version tracking: Yes, users can sync up to two folders with version tracking. When a file is saved in the master folder, it will be automatically in the slave folder. For advanced users, bear in mind that atmfiler gives the option for folks to log everything. This could come in handy should something goes wrong during the movement of files and folders. Overall, atmfiler is a decent software. The user interface is simple, but that doesn’t mean all the features are easy to understand. Furthermore, .NET Framework 2.0 or higher is required for this program to run. Download atmfiler from the this website.