You see, while Facebook is the largest platform available today, others exist, and ripe for new users. Some you’d have heard of, while others are not so much on the radar, but they will be after this article is complete. At least, we hope, so keep reading.

Best Facebook alternatives

Doing away with Facebook is no easy task, but it is also not outside of the realms of possibility, and this list of Facebook alternative social networks is proof of that. Let’s talk about this in more detail. 1] Minds

One of the fastest-growing social networks right now is Minds, and it could one day compete with Facebook on the same level. Minds is all about freedom on the internet, and not only that but users appear to have the option to earn crypto-currencies as well. is an open-source social media and social networking service company that rewards users for their contributions. If you’re looking to ditch Facebook, then we want to recommend Minds wholeheartedly due to all of the good press it has been getting as of late. 2] Instagram

  Another place that makes a lot of sense for those who want to ditch Facebook, is Instagram. Now, since this service is owned by Facebook, you won’t be completely ridding yourself of it, so please bear that in mind before making any moves. We like Instagram because it’s all about sharing photos, and videos. Yes, it has a communication aspect, but photos and videos are the main draws. As it stands, then, is not as fully-featured as Facebook, but for a lot of users, that’s not a problem at all. 3] Diaspora is a nonprofit, user-owned, distributed social network. It consists of a group of independently owned nodes which interoperate to form the network. This is a relatively new social network with around less than 1 million registered users. According to the creators, this tool takes privacy and free speech seriously, among other things. It will likely take a very long time for it to take off, so you can join right now before that happens. 4] Gab

  What we have here is a social networking platform that has been around since 2016, and as expected, it is still lagging behind Facebook by a great deal. We doubt the numbers will change much unless Mark Zuckerberg really messes up in a huge way. says it’s a champion of free speech and the free flow of information. In that sense, we suspect the chances of your posts being deleted if your opinions differ from that of the Gab community is highly unlikely. Well, that’s our assumption since we have never used the platform before. We just know a lot of people are talking about it. 5] Tumblr

  It’s safe to say is no longer the same since the platform has changed hands, and is now owned by Automattic, the folks behind WordPress. It’s more user-friendly due to the removal of all sexual content, so now, it’s doesn’t really have a lot going for it because the crazy sex things were the backbone. But with Automattic behind it, Tumblr could rise from the ashes to become something worth using once more. Do you use any of them, or do you have any other recommendations to make?

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